Clarks Archive Storage Secure Documentation Storage for Businesses

Document Storage & Retrieval throughout East Anglia

Clarks Archive Storage facilities are specifically designed to provide a professional, efficient and flexible service. As well as providing high security, fire-proof storage premises to store your documents and sensitive information, we provide flexible and reliable access through our computrised systems and next working day delivery service.

Every archive box that we store at our premises is individually bar-coded and scanned using the latest technology, pinpointing its exact location in our warehouse and our promise to return your much documents to you by the next working day means that you can always retrieve your securely stored items without any issues.

On request for any documentation to be returned, each archive box will be scanned when leaving our racking system, keeping a secure audit trail of all clients’ transactions. This means that you know where your documents are at all times.

Our retrieval and collection service has been proved and tested over many years, but where Clarks differ from the competition is that we are always willing to listen to our clients and adjust our service to suit their evolving needs. All of our customers received personal attention, no matter how large or small. Our commitment is to offer the highest level of customer service and attention in our industry.

Clarks Storage Archive Facility
Document Scanning